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Indonesia GO Open Source

. . . . . OPEN SOURCE . . . . .

According to my OPEN SOURCE is to allow anyone to use or distribute software that a classified open source for free without charge and that there is no need to be given the royalty.

Open source as well as the processing spatial data is to be assisted, given the condition of our current needs, where users who increasingly need data and spatial information based on nearly all fronts. However, the fact that there is the higher ability of a system in solving spatial problems that are the more expensive the price that must be purchased by the user. On the other hand, most users, especially those in developing countries, requires a system with competent, but the total cost of ownership (TCO) is lower in accordance with the purchasing power of assets.

Actually Open Source Software in the core is open source code (source code) from a software concept, but this feels strange at first because the code is a key source of a software. With known that there is logic in the source code, then other people should be able to make the software the same function. Open source only as that. This means, should not be free. We can only make the software that we open source code, patented algoritmanya, medaftarkan copyright, and still sell the software commercially (alias is not free).

Open source arose from the idea that if every person can participate in developing a software on the software will soon evolved to the level of perfection.

Software such as Linux, Free BSD, Apache and Perl, which pouler in the academic environment began to attract the attention of the engineer, executive, industry analyst. We can see that any Linux operating new power appeared to begin to compete with Microsoft Windows. Linuxpun not just move in the level of the operating system alone, but also supported by various applications that are open source with the ability to compete with commercial software in the Windows environment. That is, open-source start dilirik start and used in business organizations.




One of the software is open source is Linux, Linux Mint is part of several Linux distributions.
Linux Mint is one of the surprise packages [from] the past year. Initially launched as a Linux variant [from] Ubuntu with integrated media codecs, it has now developed into one of the most easily operated in the distribution market - complete with a desktop and special menus, some devices (tools) unique form of existence, one interface, web-based installation package, and a number of different editions. Perhaps most important, this is one project where developers and users is in the interaction remain, the result in a dramatic, increase user-skipper with each new release. DistroWatch has been said to the founder and lead developer of [the] Linux Mint, Lefebvre Cheap heart, about the history [of] the distribution.

Part of the reason for the success [of] Linux Mint:

- Is one of the most community govern the distribution. You can send harafiah (post) a forum of ideas in this day and see it apply in the weeks after the "flow" release. Of course this has good and bad in comparison with the distribution of the roadmaps, board / council of the features and release cycle that we still miss / lose a lot of structure and potentially many quality, but this memugkinkan us to react quickly, apply more innovation and make the overall experience for us / us and for users who really interesting;

- Is a Debian-based distribution, and such as it is very dense (solid) and it came with one of the largest package manager;

- Is compatible with the storage and use Ubuntu. This gives Linux Mint users to access / on a collection of software packages and very large;

- It comes with many improvements desktop [that] make it easier for users to do things the public;

- There is a strong focus on making this [developing; plan; train; experience] box (WiFi card of directors in the file system (files), support multimedia, screen resolution, and others).



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